Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bah, Humbug

So, last night was my company holiday party. It was held at the Reitz Union Ballroom at UF, and was kind of nice. The food wasn't as good as in years past, but it is a different venue. We outgrew the old one.

The highlight of the evening is always the "bonus drawing". Instead of a small bonus to everyone, the pool the money and give it out in larger chunks. The "raffle" away four gifts of $2500, four of $5000, two of $10,000 and the biggie of $50G. There are rules involved, such as the fact that you have to have been there six months to be eligible (though not for the two biggest); part-timers not eligible for the 50k; every year you work you get another ticket in; etc.

Well, needless to say, I won nothing. Third year in a row, too. Dammit. Sheeps blames herself, as I am (supposedly) the lucky one, and she never wins anything. My luck doesn't work that way. I win lots of things, but always small. I suppose I should be happy with that.

It was a long shot, but it was nice to dream about, for a little while, anyway. The grand prize would have very nice. We could have paid off some bills and eased those monthly payments. A new couch would have been good. The van has its problems and needs to be replaced in the near future, and I've been thinking about getting another pickup truck. And Christmas is almost here, so the extra cash would have been handy.

Such is life. The bills are being paid, slowly. The futon is functional. The van still runs and does get me to work and back, though functional wiper blades would be a good thing... Christmas will be fine, if not a little cheaper.

Yeah, it was a bit depressing, but heck, I'm not any poorer, and got free dinner out of it. And a $27 gift card to Carrabas! (Why $27? Apparently, it's a tax thing...)

Life moves on, and there is always next year.


Blogger Unknown said...

Well that sucks. I think I'd rather a guaranteed small bonus than a high probability of no bonus. Weak.

7:51 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

I don't know... I'm of two minds on this one.

On the one hand, it would be nice to have a little extra cash for the holidays, but after they get through doling out the big bucks to management, there wouldn't be a lot left to go around to the plebs...

And it is nice to dream about the big bucks, and all the great things you could do if you won. The big letdown comes when you don't win squat.

The owner's standpoint is that, instead of giving a little to everyone, which wouldn't make much difference, they give a lot to a few, which will change someone's life.

One woman sent her son to college. Another bought a house. Okay, one blew it all shopping, but that changed her life, too, I suppose...

So, yeah. I'm a bit bummed about not winning anything, but life moves on. I'll live with the things I have, and make them work a while longer. One does as one must when the Devil vomits in your kettle...

9:33 AM  

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