Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Joining the Herd: an SCA meme

1. What is your SCA name? (You don't have to write the full name, just your first name if you want.) Well, I suppose I should start using the "correct" spelling. It's Terrell, but it's spelled Turold. After 25 years, it'll soon be passed...

2. What is your home kingdom? Kingdom of Trimaris

3. Have you ever lived in another kingdom? If so, where? Well...... Lived? Yes. Participated? No. I was in Atlantia during the Navy years, but stayed "Trimarian".

4. Do you remember your first SCA event? When/what was it? Vaguely. It was "Tourney of the Unicorn's Horn", I think.... Many moons ago. A local event in the Shire of Sea March.

5. Do you have any awards? (You don't have to list them if you don't want) Yup. I am a Territorial Baron, and carry all the awards therein (OHST, OCS, OPAR); AoA; KSCA; OTAT; and two OTG's....

6. Do you list them after your name in communications like e-mail? Hmmm.... Not for the most part, unless it is an "official" communication. Then I just use "Baron" or "Syr"

7. Do you have a device? Well, yes and no. It is currently in process. In my 25 years in the SCA, I've tried 4 times to get it passed, and it disappeared each time. A rather persistant kingdom Herald pestered me, so I went for a 5th time, and it looks like it should pass....

8. Do you use it? On what? Yup. On my shields, surcoat, etc.

9. Are you on all the kingdom/society lists available to you, or do you avoid them? Not on all of them.

10. Do you keep your Pennsic/Estrella/Gulf Wars/etc. site tokens? Not intentionally. I tie them on to my pouch, and they tend to stay there for a while, until I get tired of the annoying "clang, clang, clang"....

11. Do you keep the favours you've been given by royalty/friends/SOs, etc.? Do You wear them all? I do keep them, but I don't tend to wear them. Just my Lady's, and, on occasion, by Baronial award token.

12. Do you call your friends by their SCA names even when you're not at an event? Depends. Some of them, yes. Some, no. Some go by their SCA name all the time....

13. Do you go out to dinner in garb after an event? Sometimes. I don't tend to like "freaking the mundanes", but will go to dinner in garb, on occasion.

14. Do you have all kinds of garb, or do you generally stick to one period? Please! I'm a garb whore! I like garb from lots of different periods.

15. How many interests do you have within the SCA? What's your favourite? Yikes! Many? Fighting heavy would be my fav, though.

16. Do you have an SCA-oriented web site (to show off projects, keep dress diaries, etc.)? Nope.

17. Do you maintain a hairstyle that is more period style than modern? How about any other part of your appearance? I've got a Ducal Profile. Does that count? My hair does what it wants, and a period cut wouldn't help any....

18. Do you tell "No $###, there I was" stories? (Admit it.) Yup. Quite a few of them. Some real doozies, too!

19. Authenticity is Fun. Yes or no? Why? It can be. We are trying to recreate the period, after all. Being rampant about it is another story....

20. Is there one modern thing at events that really bugs you? Bottles and cans. Get a mug!

Bonus Question! 21. Everyone has a shameful garb/accessory mistake hidden somewhere in their past. What's yours? (We're all friends here, we promise not to laugh. Much.) I don't know about "shameful"... I did have a rayon tunic, when I first started.....


Blogger Alysoun said...

he he he

You said "garb whore"

he he he

4:07 PM  
Blogger Runner Girl FL said...

I never thought of you as a garb whore.... but then the rayon tunic is pretty funny too.

8:19 AM  

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