We the Thirsty
We the Spoiled of the United States, in Order to form a less parched Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Liquidity, provide for the common refreshment, promote the general Thirst Quenching, and secure the Blessings of Libations to ourselves and our Potation, do ordain and establish this Callibogus for the Spoiled of the United States of America.
This is, apparently, the new preamble.... I was returning to the Haunted Coffee Shop, coming back from lunch, and happened upon a young lady talking on her cell phone... Well, talking is isn't quite severe enough a description. "Shouting into" would be more apt. I took a deep breath, walked into the shop, looked at my employee and said, "Spill it."
Seems she came in, didn't buy a thing, sat down at the computer for over half an hour, and then asked for a cup of hot water, to make tea that she brought with her.... So, he rung her up for the price of the cup. She got irate. She came into a business, used their facilities and equipment without paying for such, and then wanted a free cup full of hot water to make her own beverage. She shouted at him and walked out. That's where I came in.
Hmmmmph. I went outside to talk to her, confirm the store policy, and pretty much insist that she leave...., but she'd already gone. Damn. I wanted the chance to knock her down a peg or two...
The worst part is that she saw absolutely nothing wrong with her actions, and got angry when called out on it.
Then, I am at Sam's today, getting supplies for the shops. I'm at the dairy case, when I hear the young man with a flat bed tell a nice old lady, quite seriously, that if she walked in front of him, he'd run her ass over. I turned around, looked at him, and in my "quite serious, quite angry" voice, asked him, "What did you just say to my mom??!!" His eyes got very large, and he was suddenly all kinds of apologetic as he quickly shuffled away. "Mom" was very thankful.
What the hell is wrong with people???
Oh, well. On the plus side, one more day and it's vacation time. I'm off to Ohio, with Sheeps, to spend X-mas with her parents. Long drive, somewhat stressful situation, but still, a vacation. I, for one, intend to enjoy myself and relax.
This is, apparently, the new preamble.... I was returning to the Haunted Coffee Shop, coming back from lunch, and happened upon a young lady talking on her cell phone... Well, talking is isn't quite severe enough a description. "Shouting into" would be more apt. I took a deep breath, walked into the shop, looked at my employee and said, "Spill it."
Seems she came in, didn't buy a thing, sat down at the computer for over half an hour, and then asked for a cup of hot water, to make tea that she brought with her.... So, he rung her up for the price of the cup. She got irate. She came into a business, used their facilities and equipment without paying for such, and then wanted a free cup full of hot water to make her own beverage. She shouted at him and walked out. That's where I came in.
Hmmmmph. I went outside to talk to her, confirm the store policy, and pretty much insist that she leave...., but she'd already gone. Damn. I wanted the chance to knock her down a peg or two...
The worst part is that she saw absolutely nothing wrong with her actions, and got angry when called out on it.
Then, I am at Sam's today, getting supplies for the shops. I'm at the dairy case, when I hear the young man with a flat bed tell a nice old lady, quite seriously, that if she walked in front of him, he'd run her ass over. I turned around, looked at him, and in my "quite serious, quite angry" voice, asked him, "What did you just say to my mom??!!" His eyes got very large, and he was suddenly all kinds of apologetic as he quickly shuffled away. "Mom" was very thankful.
What the hell is wrong with people???
Oh, well. On the plus side, one more day and it's vacation time. I'm off to Ohio, with Sheeps, to spend X-mas with her parents. Long drive, somewhat stressful situation, but still, a vacation. I, for one, intend to enjoy myself and relax.
Good for you stiking up for "Mom" I'm sure her son who lives out of state is very thankfull that someone is still nice to other peoples mothers.
You really need to get rid of that sign that hovers over your head saying 'assholes of the world, converge on me!' But well done in Sams. Enjoy your vaca, oh Turtly One, you've earned it. Oh, and one word about Ohio in winter...freaking cold!!!
(well, technically that's two words, but from what I've heard about Ohio winters, it's justified)
Merry Christmas, amigo. :-)
T-man, I agree completely with Marius - one day, your true superpowers will emerge and the jerks who show themselves to you will See The Light >:)
And winter in Ohio is SUBSTANTIALLY colder than "freaking," but it gets the pointa cross :))
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