Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Hope, for this town of mine...

Bigotry loses – by a very narrow margin.

Amendment 1 failed in the local city elections last night. If you are not from G-Town, allow me to explain: About a year ago, the city commissioners made a bold, open-minded move and created an ordinance that allowed trans-gendered individuals to use whichever public rest-room that best suited their needs.

Of course, the “moral right” immediately put up such a hue and cry, and demanded that it be struck from the books. They formed a committee of similarly small minded individuals, raised a cadre of misinformed masses and got a petition through demanding an amendment to not only remove the ordinance, but remove *all* anti-discrimination legislation from the city, and restrict the commissioners from ever creating any anti-discrimination referendum – ever.

Their battle cry was “Keep men out of women’s rooms!”, but what was really on their minds (forgive the overstatement) was complete discrimination against the gay and lesbian community, and any other folks what weren’t brung up proper, like they wuz. If they strictly wanted to keep men out of women’s rooms, then why wasn’t that the way the amendment was written? Why restrict the city solely to the classes already protected by (and only by) the State constitution? I don’t think that even they, those mule-minded bigots that unfortunately live within my town, realized exactly how far reaching their persecutionist retardation really was.

Yes, you would keep “men out of the women’s rooms”. You would also remove any gay rights or privileges, which could only have been part of your hidden agenda, owing to the wording you chose. You would have also removed the rights of opposite sex couples in G’Ville. Wait, what? Yes. The city has extended spousal rights to long-term unmarried couples. Bob and Mary have been together for 25 years, yet have never felt the need to get married. The city felt that Mary, due to her dedication and steadfastness, deserved the right that a “wife” should have. Amendment 1 would have ridded that, too.

The Citizens for Good Public Policy (oops, didn’t mean to name names….) even went so far to air a surveillance video taken from a recent incident. A man followed a woman into the restroom at a Home Depot, and tried to take photos under the stall with his phone. He was caught and arrested. They used this as a “weapon” to demonstrate how terrible this ordinance was, allowing such occurrences. Unfortunately for them, it completely knocks the winds out of their week sails. The man was…say it with me…arrested. Perverts can not use the ordinance to support their perversions. Period. They are going to prey upon others whether or not there is a law in place that really doesn’t affect them anyway. In fact, such perverts really don’t care about the law. They only care about satisfying their own needs. But I digress.

The point is now moot, as the true good citizens of this town pulled together on a polling Tuesday and said, “We don’t agree with your narrow-minded fanaticism” and, by a margin of 58%, said NO.

I am not affected by this law in any way, shape or form, but the little part of me that believes in equality is rejoicing. Sometimes the right thing IS done.


Blogger Unknown said...

Is it possible that the reign of the retard-right is slipping? Dare we hope?

5:47 AM  

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