Friday, May 23, 2008

Robert Asprin, R.I.P.

The Science Fiction/Fantasy community took another hit yesterday, as pun-master Robert Asprin passed from this mortal coil.

He played in the SCA in its early years, being one of the founders of the Great Dark Horde. Supposedly he stormed off one day in a fit of pique, and never returned. Some who had met him say he was a real asshat, but that was his persona, and he played it well. I couldn't say, as I am among those who never did make his acquaintance. I did like his work, though.

He is best known for putting together and editing the Thieves World series, for his silly Phule's Legion series, and his pun-riddled Myth series. I've waded through all three, and enjoyed them thoroughly. He had a talent for mirth, filling his pages with puns so bad one would groan aloud. It is the mark of a great writer to be so gawd-awful painful, while entertaining so well.

G'night Mr. A. You'll be sorely mythed.


Blogger Unknown said...

"You'll be sorely mythed"

You magnificent bastard!

1:55 PM  
Blogger Alysoun said...

I met him once, at a Horde party in Ohio.

And I agree with Marius about the magnificent bastard part :)

6:01 AM  

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