Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The House Elves are dead...

I think the cats ate them. They're supposed to come out at night and clean up, right? Put stuff away? Fix things? Yeah, the cats definitely ate them.

Didn't get the Appliance Fairies, though! We had to buy a new washing machine. The old one still worked, but the spin cycle died so clothes would be clean, but soaking wet. It took several go arounds in the dryer to get things dry. That meant that one load of laundry took 3-4 hours. Just one load. We had enough extra left over from the bills to buy a cheap washer so we did. We didn't get the nice blue enamel front loader on a pedestal, like we wanted. We pretty much got the cheapest of the lot, but hey, it'll wash...

At any rate, we hauled the new one home and installed it in the laundry room. We hauled to old one out to the curb. The City has a "white goods" pick up on Wednesdays, so we just had to call the day before. No bother. The damn thing disappeared between 8-5 the next day. The Appliance Fairies picked it up. More power to 'em.

In other news, I found out a few more details about the firing of "S", the drunk waitress. The manager did not want to fire her, but rather suspend her for 3 months. I'm not sure what good he thought that would do? Anyway, the bar owner nixed that plan. Nay, nay fluffy. She's gone.

We've seen her almost every night since. Completely drunk. It just verifies that she has a problem. A serious problem. And she's only been applying to other bars for a job. She needs to stay the hell out of bars. She's on a downhill slide, and is going to hit bottom fast. I really hope she is able to get help.

And, this whole time, I've been fighting this stupid sinus junk for weeks. I'll start to feel better that BAM, sniffling and sneezing again. I'm so tired of being sick.

Well, it's time to go to work and see what excitement today holds.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think our house elves joined SPEW long ago. ;-) Too bad to hear about S. Is she at least a nice person, or just annoying all around?

4:50 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

Well, yes she actually is a nice girl, when she isn't busy screwing other people over and getting hammered. She really is someone worth knowing, but her problems push everyone away.

She never understood how "camping the door" hurt others in the bar. She looked at her own bottom line only. She honestly believes that having higher sales than everyone else made "the best", but refuses to grasp the concept that it is at the expense of her coworkers. She was "successful", but couldn't see that she was stealing money from others. The concept of "team" was beyond her.

Then there is the booze. As with everything else, she does not know the meaning of moderation. The fact that she is able to stand, and speak semi-coherantly, after as much as she drinks speaks volumes, and that's not a good thing.

She needs help. She needs to understand that her actions have consequences. She needs to realize that others have needs and stepping on them has consequences.

9:08 AM  

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