Thursday, August 04, 2005

Rhetorical caring....

A young lady acquaintance of mine (get your minds out of the gutter, I've known her since she was 5, and she calls me "Dad") asked me how my day was going, and I replied. It's okay. She then muttered that that was all I ever said. Well, yeah! Of course that's all I ever say... It's a rhetorical question, one in which no one really cares about an accurate answer. Then I realized that Ever actually did care. See, she is still young, and hasn't quite lost that wordly innocense. It is kind of refreshing, really. Maybe if we all cared a little more, this world would be a much better place! Imagine! Ask someone how they're doing, and honestly expect a reply, something beyond a non-committal grunt.... Naaaaaah. I'm okay.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I got you thinking, did I? That's dangerous. ;)

5:35 PM  

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