Thursday, September 01, 2005

Are the stars out tonight....

Okay, this is a direct rip-off from a friend's blog, but it's a guy kind of thing, and has been around for quite a while, though it did make it to the mainstream thanks to "Friends". I'm talking about "The List".

"The List" is a list of celebrities with whom you would like to have, er..., carnal knowledge of, and your spouse, better half, significant other, life partner, whatever, can not get mad nor make even the smallest fuss. No repercussions. In fact, you ought to get a friendly little punch on the shoulder and a "way to go!"

The reason "The List" is so string free is that its nominees (if you will) are pretty much unobtainable. Sure, there is the one in a gazillion chance that you both happen to be at the same place at the same time, the planets are aligned, you are the only other person around, she/he is blind drunk, expieriencing pon farr (forget it, it's a sci/fi geek thing, and if you understood, you *are* a SF geek...) and 4 or 5 signs of the apocolypse have already appeared...., but otherwise, a night of sweaty monkey love with said celebrity is pretty much a foregone "riiiiiiiiiiight".

I am curious as to whom, you, my faithful readers, would choose.

The stipulations of "The List" are as follows:

* Just as your spousal unit may raise no objections to your "List", you may raise none to his/hers.
* The persons upon your list must be celebrities or the well-nigh unobtainable level - the hot neighbor does not count.
* The nominees do not have to be currently famous, but they do need to be currently....current. Living, that is. (Otherwise, Dorothy Stratten would make my list in a heartbeat.) There has to be *some* chance of success, however minute, so the departed are right out. (and do *not* go there!)
* "The List" is limited to 5 (five) names. Hey, you've got to put some thought process into it, and not just name any and all celebrities willy-nilly.

To start you off, I give you my "List". Yes, they are all drop dead gorgeous, but they all have other qualities which I admire as well. (And you know perfectly well that I'm not talking about *those* kind of qualities....)

Jessica Alba - witty, and a scathing sense of humor
Katherine Zeta Jones - all that, and a brain to boot
Scarlett Johansson - wit and wisdom; and I'd love to find out what Bill Murray whispered to her...
Charlize Theron - charm and grace; buckets of it
Famke Janssen - charm, grace, lots of class, and she's Jean Grey!

Okay, that's my "List". See? All celebrities. I don't even have a spousal unit of any type, so I'm pretty much free to strike out with anyone, but I stuck to the rules. No cute neighbors. No "hot chick in that club I belong to that I want to impress". All unobtainable, or so nearly so as to be the same thing.

Indulge me. Share yours. You don't even need to explain why they made your "List", unless you want to. Fess up, folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Egads! I guess I *am* a sci-fi geek after all!

And as for the list...
1) HHH
2) Vin Deisel
3) Antonio Banderas
4) Julian McMahon
5) David Schwimmer

1:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HHhmmm... In no particular order:

1) Daniel Day Lewis
2) David Wenham
3) Steve Irwin
4) Kenneth Branagh
5) Kurt Russell (I guess I need at least one American since I have two Brits and two Aussies...)

I am also a geek.


8:02 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ok, as the one 'directly ripped off' I'll repost mine here, and I'll even explain. ;-)

Angelina Jolie: gorgeous, and somewhat scary. Don't know if I'd survive an evening of 'sweaty monkey love' with her but I guarantee the coroner would have a hard time getting the smile off my face.

Sandra Bullock: The proverbial 'girl next door' who is as regular as she is gorgeous.

Liz Phair: Guys are just as attracted to rock stars as the ladies, there are just fewer female ones.

Jeneane Garofolo: She has the hottest mind. Yes, ladies, some of us Y-chromosomers are attracted to intelligence as well as physical attractiveness. And Jeneane ain't too shabby in the looks dept. either.

Salma Hyek: Gorgeous, reportedly quite intelligent, and an accent that can turn steel to jello. Yum!

And a comment on Famke Janssen. If you had mentioned her back when she was on Star Trek: The Next Generation (hah! I'm the bigger geek!!) I would have been right up there with you, but since then she has had some...ahem...additions installed, and nothing turns me off faster than fake boobs.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Mel Gibson - with those crazy eyes
Brad Pitt - as seen in "Joe Black"
Meat Loaf - I'd love to have him sing about me - in a good way


9:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dude, it would appear that you have an almost exclusively female following. Pretty cool. :-) But I have a question for Jenn, who is HHH?

4:46 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

I can't vouch for the "female following". (I'm going to have to figure out how to throw a guestbook on here...)

As for HHH, and I hesitate to admit that I know, he is a professional wrestler. It is pronouced "Triple H", and not "aytch, aytch, aytch"...

And the only reason I know this factoid is that I occassionally tune in to check on "Raven", whom I (that's "we" Marius) went to high school with....

3:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah yes, The Body is now Raven. I like the teen titan of the same name better. (and you've been trying to pretend you don't like wrestling since you almost offed a dude with a sword in the leaky teepee parking lot after a wrestling match back in high school) ;-)

5:18 PM  

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