Friday, February 17, 2006

Post Valentine's Update

Okay, I should have posted this earlier, but I haven't been feeling too well this week. (Yeah, I could go and backdate it, but that would be cheating...)

Although we'd already spent last weekend together for Valentine's, Tuesday morning brought an additional surprise. Shortly before noon the doorbell rang. Well, we don't generally use the front door, especially since the front hallway is, basically, used as a storage area. (Two families worth of stuff don't fit easily into one house...) We come and go through the kitchen door, which is also on the front of the house... So, when the doorbell rings, it generally means that someone unfamiliar with "the plan" is at the door, meaning, usually, a salesman.

No salesman this time, but a package from Fed Ex. This isn't too surprising, as we tend to do a bit of shopping online, and get packages a lot, but it was addressed to me, and I hadn't ordered anything in a while. I opened the box and found a lovely bouquet of daisies, and a little stuffed frog princess, all courtesy of my little Rabid Attack Sheep. I'd never received flowers before, so it was very nice, and she opted for daisies as she knew that I was colorblind, and probably wouldn't fully appreciate roses. (She's right - the red and green would have blended together... I can't really explain; if you're colorblind, you'll understand.) I think the frog princess is broken, though. I've kissed her several times, and she hasn't turned into a Sheeps.... She has turned into thoughts of Sheeps, though, so I suppose it is sort of the same thing.....

I've heard all sorts of complaints about Valentine's Day. How it is too commercialized. (This is true. It is the biggest sales event for several major companies, so I can't really blame them for the ad blitz, but it doesn't make it any better....) How more heartache comes out of it than love. (Maybe it just seems that way, as love is emphasized, so, too, does the bad seem so much worse. All the tales kind of remind me of Kate from Gremlins and G2, and all of her holiday horror stories... LOL!) How it is a made up holiday. (Umm..... Aren't they all??) I, too, have had some pretty rotten Valentine's Days. (Never been dumped on one, but have been dumped twice on birthdays...) I've had sad ones, lonely ones, out and out miserable ones. But this doesn't stop me from celebrating it, when I can. What is so horribly wrong about a day specifically devoted to the one you love? Yes, you should show affection year round. Absolutely! And if you do so, good on ya! So what's the problem with doing so a day specifically geared toward such? Hmmmm? If you don't currently have anyone in your life, enjoy the day with your friends. That is also what the day is about. If you don't like it, fine. Don't celebrate. I'm not real big on Hannukah, or Kwanzaa, any of the Solstices or Equinox, or even the Chinese New Year. I don't celebrate them. I don't. But I don't berate those who do. Live and let live, folks.

Rant aside, it was a wonderful day. Hope yours was nice as well, whether you believe in it or not...


Blogger Countess Dulcia MacPherson said...

I'm glad that you like the daisies. It was the perusal of various flowers and mixes of flowers that prompted the questions about "how well do you see pinks and purples (being variations on red) that weekend. I had already ordered the daisies because the deadline had loomed and since I didn't know the answer to the question I went with "safe" flowers. Every guy should get flowers once in a while. =)

7:56 PM  

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