Tuesday, November 25, 2008

UPD send man to ER

Man had a blue toy lightsaber.

That's a headline in today's paper. Okay, granted, it is the Independent Florida Alligator, the student run newspaper for UF. Even still, what mental image is provoked by this headline? (For those not in the know, UPD is the University Police Department.)

If you're like me, the first thought that they found a man bearing a "blue toy lightsaber" and shot him, beat the crap out of him, or tazed him (yes, THAT UPD).

In reality, they quite literally sent him to the hospital. They Baker-acted him.

UPD responded to a report of a suspicious person and found a 22 year old man sitting on a bench on campus, with one of the extending tube type lightsabers beside him. When questioned, the man did not answer, but extended the lightsaber "in a non-threatening manner". They then took the man to a local hospital for evaluation.

While they did sum up the story in the headline, they could have been a little less misleading. The police take a lot of hits trying to do their jobs, and don't need any help in the mispercption department. Especially this police department, with the "don't taze me Bro" incident a year ago. (In all fairness, Andrew Meyer is a "Jackass" wannabe, and deserved what he got.)

My question, though, is why the reporter felt the need to point out that it was a "toy" lightsaber. Every mention of the lightsaber in the article points out that it was a toy. Well, shuh! Of course it was a toy! Unless I VanWinkled for a while, or this kid was a mad genius, real lightsabers don't exist. It would be cool if they did, but they don't. Talk about weapon control! What kind of limitations would they put on those??

The bigger question is why did they feel it important to point out that it was blue? 'Cause if it was a RED toy lightsaber he would be sith, and they would have had to take him out??

I suppose in the long run that we'll just have to chalk it up to a slow newsweek. They can only report so much on the success of the football team and how Timmy Tebow is getting robbed by only being the number 4 pick for the Heisman this year (so far). Go Gators!


Blogger Unknown said...

Despondent Jedi Down In Dumps After Order 86. Film at 11.

6:36 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...


10:04 AM  

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