Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How to tell it is cold in Florida

When these three monsters, who do not normally interact very well together, decide to combine their 70+ lbs and pin you to the bed and steal all of your radiated heat, you know it is cold. They are, clockwise from the top right, Oliver, Grey Kitty (who is too stupid to have a name) and Impy. The tiny black blotch at the top is Sophia, who stationed herself in my left arm pit...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Earl Geranium, Please...

We have a "guest" at work. She is the "Asian Supervisor" for the company, and normally works out of the Atlanta office, but is down here in sunny Florida for a week. In the event that you couldn't guess, "L" is Chinese.

They've set her up at a desk just outside my "cube" which I don't mind so much, but she has some odd food choices... I won't get into most of them, but the tea...

She brings in her own tea every day. At least she calls it a tea. It is in one of those cylindrical containers you would get if you ordered a large soup from a Chinese restaurant. There is no ice, nor is it hot. Suspended with the "tea" is variety of flowers, herbs, fungus and fruit. Daisies, mushrooms, roots, leaves and berries, etc.

It makes me reminisce of a field trip I took while in Jr High, so many years agone. We had a picnic, but also collected various samples of life to study. At one point, a couple of us waded out in the lake and scooped out a jar-ful of water, from near the bottom. We took it back to school and studied the various life forms we'd captured in that jar. Oddly enough, this "tea" bears a striking resemblance to that jar.

*I* don't care to drink something to that effect, but she seems to enjoy it, so to each their own. I'm just getting kind of tired of everyone walking by and asking the inevitable question, "What the hell is that?!"

For my own part, I've eaten some strange things. I've had alligator, squid, octopus, eel, snake, squirrel, rabbit, ostrich, buffalo, horse and even dog. But I don't think I could sip on luke-warm pond water all day...

Monday, January 05, 2009

How the Hell Do They Know??

Every time! Every single time!! It seems that, without fail, whenever I get up to go use the restroom, it is being cleaned by the janitorial staff. It doesn't seem to matter what time of day it is. Sometimes it is the mornings, most often the afternoon, but whenever my bladder decides that it is time to be emptied, that blasted cart is blocking the doorway!

Now, if it were an emergency, I could run downstairs and use the bathroom there. It usually isn't *that* much of a priority. It is just a bit disconcerting. How the hell do they know?

I suppose that it is nice to have a fresh, clean place to... relieve myself, but the overwhelming smell of Shelia Sheen is disgusting! Smells too... industrial.

Oh, well. Time to lock my knees and waddle back that way, in hopes that they are done...