Thursday, August 28, 2008


So, you all know that I tend bar for my "night job". My day is a bit more convoluted, but basically, I process commercial contracts for a natural gas supplier. (Insert joke here.) I take the contracts from the sales reps, check them over to make sure all the eyes are crossed and the tees are dotted. If I can find missing info on my own, I fill it in. Otherwise I send back to the reps to correct.

One of the most commonly left out bits is the "nature of business"; what the company does. It is a mandatory piece of info, and is designated as such on the form, but most reps don't bother filling it in. I can usually find the info readily, but sometimes it takes a bit of investigation. There is a website (Manta) that displays a lot of public corporate info, so I tend to look there a lot.

A recent business I processed has me a bit kerfuffled. The rep didn't mark it down, and the name wasn't terribly revealing, so I looked it up, and managed to find it.

Are you ready?

It is a combination business.

Sure you're ready?

It is a slaughter-house... and a school bus service.

I bet those are some damn well-behaved students on that bus!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

One Word

I stole this from Marius, who stole it from Stinkypaw. I'm shamelesser.

You. Can. Only. Type. One. Word. Not as easy as you might think.

1. Where is your cell phone: Work
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend: Wife?
3. Your hair: Greying
4. Favorite store: Media
5. Your father: Estranged
6. Your favorite thing: Sleep
7. Your dream last night: Forgotten
8. Your favorite drink: Diet
9. Your dream car: New
10. The room you're in: Florida
11. Your last ex: Broken
12. You are: Here
13. What do you want to be in 10 years: Well
14. Who did you hang out with last night: Barflies
15. What you're not: Young
16. Muffins: Okay
17. One of your wish list items: 'Pooter
18. Where is the: Pizza?
19. The last thing you did: Ordered
20. What are you wearing: Cargo
21. Your TV: News
22. Your pet: Multiple
23. Your computer: Wife's
24. Your life: Stressed
25. Your mood: Above
26. Missing: Sense
27. What are you thinking about right now: Idiots
28. Your car: Minivan
30. Your summer: Over
31. Your relationship status: Miz-arried
32. Your favorite color: Blue
33. When is the last time you laughed: Today
34. Last time you cried: Unsure
35. Work: Frantic
36. Boys: unsuprising
37. Football: Money
38. Love: Wife
39. Drama: No?
40. Camera: Phone
41. Red: blood
42. Jewelery: Watch
43. School: Over
44. Clock: Digital
46. Marriage: Nice
47. Smell: Rain
48. Winter: Laugh
49. Fruit: Pie
50. Pillow: Two!

Again, I won't tag anyone in particular, but feel free!

Thursday, August 07, 2008


Marius tagged me with the quest to tell you four things about me you should know before inviting me to your house. Hmm… Four things…. Well, how about…

1. I am very bad with oranges. We really don’t get along. Please don’t plan on serving any, and please don’t clean with orange oil products. If you do, please let the house air out very well before inviting me over. Really. I find it very bad manners to collapse in a host’s home, so please help me out. Drinking OJ around me is cool, for those who are really into mimosas, but don’t ask me to imbibe.

2. Don’t be hurt if I turn down your invitation. It’s nothing personal, but I don’t have a lot of free time, so I am probably not available. I am not saying don’t bother inviting me, ‘cause I love to attend soirees when I have the opportunity, but the ones I can make are few and far between. Advance notice always works best.

3. Like Marius, I tend to be most comfortable around those I know. Unlike him, I’ll probably show even if I don’t know anyone, but I’ll most likely find a quiet spot in the corner to sit unobtrusively and observe.

4. In a major contradiction, I like to be in the spotlight, but not the center of attention. Did that make any sense? I enjoy sitting around, telling stories and jokes and entertaining the other guests, but I don’t like being the entire focus of the whole gathering. I don’t think I am explaining this well… I am a landed Baron in the SCA, so I often have to sit up in front of a large crowd, holding court and leading the ceremonies, and I have no problem with this. But I do have a problem getting called up before the King to receive awards. I don’t know what to say or do and I feel uncomfortable. I suppose it is a control issue. At any rate, don’t throw me a surprise party, and I should be just fine.