Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Long time coming....

Yeah, I've been a slacker. Haven 't posted in a while. Long while. Things have been... on the low side, and I just haven't felt like exploring my feelings.

Let's see... What's new? The bosses are arguing, severely, which puts me in the middle. Not a nice place to be. My Sheeps is recovering from the back surgery, but it is a very slow process, and it hurts to see her suffering, and know that I can't do a damn thing about it. The truck has been on the fritz, so that was a worry, especially since I need to drive to Tampa every weekend. There's a lot of fixing up around the house that needs to get done, but nothing is getting done. Bills continue to pour in, and they seem to be getting bigger and bigger, but the income isn't increasing any... Don't these people have anything better to do than to bug me for money? Okay, so that's their job.... But as the months roll by, there is less and less left over for fun stuff, when fun stuff is what is needed most.

On top of all that, I have been contemplating Scout's passing. He was younger than I am. I really haven't had any "closure" over it. It's had me worried about my own fate, and that of my friends. We're not "old", but we are getting older. And then I get a double whammy over the weekend. I find out another friend, my age, died of a heart attack. Just dropped in the kitchen while cooking dinner. Shortly after hearing this news, and long before I am able to assimilate and cope, I get another phone call telling me that another friend, also my age, has had a heart attack. It is, supposedly, mild, and he should be fine, but it was a heart attack, nonetheless.

I'm just tired, and worried. I guess this is my mid-life crisis. I've been focusing on my own mortality, and that of my friends. I want to go back to worrying about what to do over the weekend. Useless thoughts. I like 'em....

Just.... take care of yourselves, okay? All of you. Eat better. Give up bad habits. Get a checkup. No more deaths. No more dying. Not for a while. Long while...


Blogger Unknown said...

I hear ya, mi hermano. The Reaper's swings are getting a little too close of late. When I heard about Rurik's heart attack at a fighter practice I couldn't help but think about me at Keating's on the fourth swinging a stick like I was some 18 year old immortal. I think I'm going to stay away from full on fighting until I drop at least ten pounds and get my fat ass on an eliptical trainer more often than twice a year.

Sorry things have been such a bummer for you. And remember, I'm in Tampa, so if there is some service that your lady needs that I can provide(stop that!) you have but to whisper.

10:26 AM  

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