Saturday, October 22, 2005

Oh yes, they call him the streak.....

Okay, folks. This is, in all probability, not a record, by any means, but it was a first for me.

Friday eve, I'm working my usual bar shift, and it is dead. Dead, dead, deadsky. First hour of sales were $31. That's right, from 10-11, I'd sold $31 worth of drinks. Okay, that's not entirely true. I'd ordered dinner thru the kitchen, so $5 of that was for me. The rest was due entirely to two "gentlemen", who kept ordering Coronas. And not tipping. At the end of the 4th round, I'd had enough. I had no other customers, so I couldn't exactly delay them by helping others, but I simply refused to serve them any more.

By the end of the second hour, my cumulative total was $142. Yeah, the second hour was busier, but nothing near a normal Friday night. Or even a Monday night, for that matter. Then, about 12:15, it hit. Out of nowhere. One moment there were, maybe, 30 people in the entire bar, the next, 150. I don't know where they came from. Just "poof", and they were there. I went from being completely bored, to frantically trying to serve 4 orders at a time. My final sales were over $1K, so I did most of my business from 12:30-1:30 (last call). That's about $800 in one hour. That is not the amazing part of the night.

Around 12:30 or so, my manager, who doubles as my barback when I get slammed, nudged me and said, "Get a load of this!" I looked in the direction he nodded, out the front doors, and there they were. About 300 of them. Running down University Avenue. Nekkid. Wow. As I said earlier, it probably wasn't a record, for number of streakers, but it was impressive. (So to speak.)

There was no police involvement. By our way of thinking, 300 naked college co-eds would not be easy to round up, so they let them go on their merry way.

It was one of those moments that somewhat puts one at a loss. See one streaker, and think, what an idiot. Two or three would make me think someone lost a bet. Up to ten, I'd think it would be an initiation of some kind. As many as there were, my mind kind of shut down, and all I could do was borrow a quote from Mr. Izzard, "Ummmm.... well done."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay. You win the "Freaks at Work" contest. I've seen some odd people in my 19 years with the County but no streakers to date. (Frankly, I'm grateful 'cause we got some ugly people in this town.)


2:32 PM  

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