Saturday, December 10, 2005

Song sung blue....

Okay, the other night, I was sitting at home after work, checking my email, and listening to a CD I finally managed to steal back from my squire, when what to my wondering mind should appear, but IM from the ex, one I hold not so dear. "Miss you so much. I feel awful."

Hmmmmm..... To reply, or not to reply? Do I let loose with both barrels? Or send platitudes? Or simply ignore it? The not so saintly part of me really wanted to tear her a new one. "Awful? Awful?? Sinus trouble? Flu? Soul shredding feelings of guilt and shame?!! Of course you feel awful! Your lies and deceptions completely turned my life upside down; threw me into a state of depression for over a year; made me very gunshy regarding committment; and have seriously damaged my confidence! It's about time you started to feel awful!" That is what I did not send. But to those who think me so saintly, I did not either reply "That's okay. I forgive. All is well." Being the better person than sending the hate, and not so good as to forgive, I chose to ignore her.

The best part? The CD I was listening to was an obscure little musician named Rich Hardesty. He is a combination of Jimmy Buffet, Bob Marley and George Carlin. LIttle bit of folk, little bit of reggae, little bit of creative use of profanity. The song? "Never Wanna F'n See You Again". How ironic is that?


Blogger Unknown said...

Ah, dear friend, 'tis a road I know all too well. I once had a girl, or should I say she once had me. She has some serious mental issues, and would love me like I was the light of her life...for six months...then her mental pendulum would swing to the 'you're a nice guy, but I'd really rather not see you anymore' side. I actually let her break my heart twice. You did the right thing.

7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I would have gone guns a blazin'. And it's so easy to do with IM since you don't have to look them in the face when you do it. Then again, I'd probably want to see the expression when I did let loose.

I'm just mean that way.

Who was it that said "Living well is the best revenge"?

1:40 AM  

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