Wednesday, March 29, 2006

V is for Viscious Little Beeyotch

I got an email this morning, from a name I didn't recognize. This is not huge feat, as I receive about a hundred, hundred and fifty junk emails a day. I am well versed in the usage of the delete key. Just before I deleted it, I notice the body of the message had my SCA name in it, so I stopped and read.

It seems that a fellow knight had ordered a book, "The Book of the Order of Chivalry" by Ramon Lull. Great book. I happen to own it myself. Or did.... Seems that inside the front cover of the book this gentleman received was an inscription: "To Sir Terrell, on the occassion of his knighting." Checked the bookshelf, and, sure enough, my copy is missing.

I've no explaination, other than the "ex" getting a final stab in at me. It is inexplicable. Why would you do something like that?? And now the question begs, what else did she pawn off? I sent a note to the gentleman, asking what the bookseller's name was, so I can pay them a visit and peruse their shelves for other items formerly belonging to me...

Someone suggested I contact them and see if they have a record of who sold them the book originally, but that is useless. I know the way these places work. You take them a bag of books, they say "you've got this many, we'll give you so and so dollars, or twice that in credit...." Bookkeeping (no pun intended) is not exactly a concern...

Oh, well. At least fate has smiled upon me, and I'll get it back... Silver lining, no?


Blogger Unknown said...

It's a good thing it got sold in Trimaris. What a pointlessly cruel thing to do. Especially since you weren't exactly the villain in the breakup. What a shrew.

5:44 PM  
Blogger Turtle said...

No, it was not from Llyw, it was from Geda, who no longer plays in Trimaris, or at all, as far as I know...

And "not exactly the villain", Marius? My only fault was that I was heterosexual, and male. Were I female and a lesbian, we'd be fine.... But that is all water under the bridge, and my life is, now, happier for it.

I am simply happy to get it back.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Countess Dulcia MacPherson said...

Her loss, my gain. What more is there to say? =)

9:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry, poor choice of words. The sarcasm of the understatement was evident in my head, but not on the screen.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Turtle said...

Sorry, Marius, I was only venting. I know what you meant. I am in a far better relationship now then I have ever experienced, and am actually glad "R" is out of my life, but the book thing stung....

10:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so boss, does the fact that R is paying for the new bathroom make it any easier? even if the "shrew" doesn't know it.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So, like, are you ever going to blog again?

5:31 AM  

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